Neighbourhood Plan

Bingley Town Council has started to prepare a Neighbourhood Development Plan. 

Neighbourhood Development Plans are a means to enable local people to have greater say over any form of development in their communities, under the Localism Act. 

The Neighbourhood Plan Working Group comprises both councillors and residents of Bingley parish. The group meets regularly and has now completed an initial draft Plan that is being shared with the public via an informal consultation.  

The Plan consists of the plan document itself and there are numerous supporting documents or appendices. A map of the Plan policies is also included in the plan. 

We have collated a Neighbourhood Plan library and all the documents are available below. Please click your browser back button to return to this page.   

You might like to know that the Minutes and Agendas of the Neighbourhood Plan Working Group are available in the ‘Documents’ section of this website too.

Please click on the following link to access the survey questionnaire so we can collect your views on the Plan: 




Neighbourhood Plan

Bingley Policies Map

Appendix A: Response to Consultation 11 August 2019 (Included in main document)

Appendix B: Historical Development of Villages (Included in main document)

Appendix C: Design Codes

Appendix D: Bingley Parish Neighbourhood Plan Masterplan

Appendix E: Local Housing Needs Assessment

Appendix F: Proposed Local Green Space Designations

Appendix G: Built Heritage Local Character Buildings and Structures

Appendix H: Milner Field Special Character Area

Appendix I: Natural Environment Distinctive Views and Vistas

Regulation 14 Response Form

Habitat Regulation Assessment (HRA)

Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) with HRA Updated Screen Assessment 


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