26th September 2024

Search Bingley Town Council

Bingley Town Council Serving the people of Bingley

Bingley Neighbourhood Plan

Bingley Town Council has been working on a draft Neighbourhood Plan for several years. Having a 'made' Neighbourhood Plan for Bingley will increase the Parish Council's proportion of any Community Infrastructure Levy levied on developers by the District Council from 15% to 25%.

The Town Council recently completed the Regulation 14 consultation with the residents of Bingley Parish and other mandatory consultees (including Bradford Council). We are now considering these comments and will submit a report and the Draft Plan to Bradford District Council for them to undertake a formal consultation under Regulation 15 of the legislation. This then leads to a formal review by an independent Inspector and a Parish referendum.

Please click on the links below for all Neighbourhood Plan documents – please note that these are all in draft form and therefore subject to change.

Last updated: Fri, 06 Sep 2024 12:31